236-0737 CLYLINDER - Gas Spring Cylinder
The Gas Spring Assembly contains compressed gas within the cylinder and uses a piston to apply force.
Gas Spring Assemblies are used to allow the piston and arm combination to extend fully or leave less force.Recommended Application:
Gas Spring Assemblies are commonly used in Caterpillar applications such as window, door, and hatch opening.
Height (inches): 1.2
Length (inches): 12.1
12H NA 140H NA 12H 24H 12K 120H 140K 2 163H 120 GC 16H NA 135H NA 12H ES 140H ES 140 14H NA 120H ES 160 143H 120 135H 160H NA 140 GC 160K 140K 160H 163H NA 120K 140H 160H ES 14H 120H NA 120K 2 16H